Reasons Of Having Program For Funeral Service
Most people view a memorial service as their last opportunity to bid farewell to a friend, associate or family member. There are a number of cultural, regional and personal influences that can affect these types of proceedings. Providing a funeral program is one way to let all in attendance understand the order of actions.
This handout may be a couple of pages long or it may simply be a single sheet. It should always contain at least the most basic information about the honoree, such as their complete name, dates of both birth and death, as well as the location and time of the service. Most people also opt to include a favorite picture of the deceased on the cover.
On the inside, the handout will have the order of service from opening to closing. This information should include the titles of all poems, songs or passages to be used as well as the author and the name of who will be reciting, playing or performing each. Some people also like to incorporate a copy of the obituary.
This order of service helps the minister or officiant maintain control over the event's flow, keeping everything on time. This is also an effective way for attendees to physically see what is scheduled to happen next. Since the details of each tribute will be listed, it allows mourners to revisit any tributes they found especially comforting.
A feeling of closure is something a lot of mourners get from these handouts. Some just need some physical token of the occasion to help them understand its finality. There are many ways to grieve and for many, that entails using mementos as a way to cope with their loss.
Creating a funeral program serves multiple purposes for many people. They provide pertinent information about the deceased and present a listing of how the memorial proceedings will flow. This document is also a keepsake of sorts for those who desire to take some physical reminder for memory's sake.